


History of Super Mario Bros.

Welcome! laughing Today We will learn the history of Super Mario. This character saved the Northern Vieo Game industry from a severe crash in 1985 You can play the original game right now, by clicking here..


Before We get started, let us check all the major games of Super Mario released.



Other Spin-off titles

There were many more titles, aside the mainline series. Some of them promoted educational content, and others were results of The company who has the rights of Mario (Nintendo) partenershiping with other companies (such as Sony). They are as follows:



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Northern Video Game Crash


Over 30 years ago, there was a massive shakeup in the video game industry. After several years of success and massive mainstream appeal, the home video game industry completely crashed practically overnight. What happened?

It happend with Atari, and the bad video games of that time.

While there were other systems on the market, like the Colecovision and Intellivision, They had only little market share, compared to Atari in the 1980's. It was the lead of he Video Game Industry. It was like the TATA of video games (of that time). They earned great suceess by creating home ports of their own popular arcade titles such as Pac-Man. People wanted to play their favouite games on home, which gave Atari recognition in the Home Market. Atari 2600 was the best way to play the biggest number of arcade hits. However, the company was run very poorly, and Atari 2600 had less capabilities than compared to the Intellivision and Colecovision consoles.







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About The Character